What is Friends of Torrance Exceptional Athletes, Inc.?
Friends of Torrance Exceptional Athletes Inc., is a nonprofit, fund-raising organization formed to support various sports programs for persons with intellectual disabilities who live in Torrance, Beach Cities, Palos Verdes Peninsula and the Greater South Bay. The funds raised go to support sports sponsored by the City of Torrance Community Services Department, Recreation Division.
These programs are recreational in nature and allow for year round participation for the athletes.
Who are our Exceptional Athletes?
Our participating athletes range anywhere
from 13 years old to 70 years young!
Your donations help FTEA to support Torrance Special Needs sport programs for all ages. With your generous donations we support both contact and non-contact sports programs year around such as:
FTEA Meeting Minutes

A great way to get to know the FTEA board and keep up with what is going on with Friends of Torrance Exceptional Athletes is to read the monthly Minutes of our Board Meetings. We have all of our meeting minutes archived and available for download in pdf format on our FTEA Meeting Minutes page. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about FTEA !
Your support is very much appreciated by the athletes and their families! In addition to monetary donations we can always use volunteers. Reach us by email: info@friendsoftorrea.org