Come enjoy pizza and cookies with your friends!
Win a prize for the most Festive Holiday Outfit!
This year’s FTEA 2021 Holiday Party is being held on:
Sunday, December 12, 2021
From: 12:00–1:30pm
Sons Of Italy
1744 West Carson Street, Torrance
For details click here to download a PDF copy of the Holiday Party Invitation.

FTEA recently held a softball clinic for our athletes. The athletes practice every Sunday and on the day of the clinic we had 25 athletes!! This is a very popular sport and we have seen terrific player improvement as they practice the skills that they learned in the clinic.

FTEA News! Good times in 2021 as athletes enjoyed bocce practice for an 8 week season at Columbia Park every Friday night. Some athletics are back in person and the turnouts have been terrific!
FTEA non-profit 501(c)3 EIN: 27-3571306