What is a WALK-A-THON? This photo gallery looks back over past year’s walkathons as we look forward to this years event!
Monthly Archives: May 2014
FTEA Walkathon 2014 Get Ready!

We are greatly looking forward to this year’s annual Special Needs Sports Program WALK-A-THON. This years walkathon will be held on Saturday May 31, 2014 at Columbia Park, in Torrance, CA.
Columbia park is located at the corner of:
190th Street & Prairie Avenue.
Registration starts at 8:30 Am and the walk will start at 9:00 am.
Team-Up for even more fun. Open to family, friends or co-workers, teams must have 3 or more team-members.
Don’t forget we have some great prizes this year for those who gather the most donations!
Those who wish to donate can make a flat amount donation, or a pledge.
In addition to cash or check donations, donations may also be made via paypal, by clicking the donate button below.
Donate on PayPal
Come and join us on Saturday May 31, 2014 for a great time of food, entertainment and fun for your whole family.